The SEO Waiting Game

I’ve been doing SEO for a month or two, and I can’t tell if it’s working yet?

Most people understand that SEO work takes time, however once it gets into 30 or 90 days, this can be easily forgotten. We understand that it’s hard to know if this is going to get you the result that you desire. We encourage you to trust that you have done your due diligence, you have made a decision to get Google SEO work done and now all you need to do is wait for the completion of work.

It’s important to understand that Google operates by Crawling, meaning that work takes time to be noticed by Google. On top of that, we do this work over months of time for many reasons, one being that we cannot do too much work all at once or else Google can actually punish your ranking for it.

newcastle google seo


The main thing is to look at the work seen in your regular report as a process, like building a house. Bit by bit, brick by brick we are building a house to be competitive in your desired searches. Your regular report will show you the work being done, as well as any improvements in your rankings. Patience truly is a virtue here. If we were to stop early, it would be a wasted opportunity, and a half finished house.

Managing your emotions during this time is important while results either seem stagnant or drastically climbing. Sometimes people achieve their desired results quickly and think that the SEO work can stop there. It is important to stick out the remaining time as we want you to get a good ranking and then stay there for a long time.

We do everything we can to ensure peace of mind during the process, and we understand that there are a lot of unknowns. We encourage you to work with us, and rest easy knowing that you have chosen a Google SEO business that cares about the results as much as you do, and you simply need to wait until the completion of our work.


Google SEO vs Google Ads